We want a positive experience for all visitors and contributors to this website. To help ensure that the website and community is a safe and secure place to meet, collaborate and interact with others, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct. 

Respect others and maintain a positive environment

  • Do not verbally abuse, threaten or harass other users. Treat all other SysAffairs Community participants with respect. We will not tolerate user-created content that encourages or advocates expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. 
  • Do not spam. This is a violation of online etiquette and wastes everyone’s time.
  • Don’t post any materials that could harm other users’ computers or would allow others to inappropriately access software or websites.  No viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or bots or activities that can be disruptive to online communication.

You are responsible for protecting your online privacy

  • Don’t give out personally identifiable information to strangers online. This information can be used for illegal or harmful purposes.
  • You are responsible for protecting your computer against interference or viruses that may be encountered on the Internet or this site.   Always have a reliable virus protection program on your computer and keep it up to date. 

Keep it legal

  • Do not publish, post, distribute, disseminate of discuss defamatory, infringing, obscene, sexual or other unlawful material or information like child pornography or illegal drugs including images, audio, video or text.
  • Unless you own or control the rights to do so or have received necessary permission do not upload files or post messages that contain photos, music, software or other material protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law. SysAffairs is not responsible for any use of anything you say or post.
  • You are responsible knowing and following for all local and national laws that apply to your location.

Be responsible

  • SysAffairs is not a place to store any materials; you are responsible for creating backups you post.  We are not responsible for loss of, access to, deletion, alteration or restoration of any materials posted.
  • The decision to act on any information/advice you receive on this website is your own and you should perform your own research prior to making any decisions.

Uphold the Code/Termination and Cancellation

  • Don’t post links to websites that violate the Code of Conduct.
  • SysAffairs will remove any post or ban participants that are deemed objectionable or that violate this Code of Conduct, without prior warning or notice
  • SysAffairs is not responsible for the content or activities in any user-created message. The decision to view or engage all content is yours and we advise you to use your judgment.

These policies may be updated periodically. Please check back regularly to ensure you are fully informed.